Infrared beams guide your swing path in the correct direction
Start your journey to being a BETTER PUTTER!Infrared beams guide your swing path in the correct direction. Lasers visuals help build a pure stroke that starts and remains aligned with...
Par5 Ninja, llc |
Putting, the game that’s inside the game of golf
⛳Putting is one of the most important aspects of golf, and it can also be one of the most challenging. With its patented technology, #neuraputt helps you focus on your...
Par5 Ninja, llc |
Improvement starts with an attitude adjustment
Accepting your misses is the first step. It's important to realize that everyone misses shots. Getting angry or frustrated with yourself when you miss a shot will only make you...
Par5 Ninja, llc |
Even the best want to get better
"No matter how good you get, you can always get better — and that's the exciting part,"Tiger Woods' mentality is there’s always room for improvement. The best golfers in the...
Par5 Ninja, llc |
Champions don’t always win but they never give up
So next time you're feeling down, remember the words of Sam Snead. The mark of a great golfer is in their ability to come back.
Par5 Ninja, llc |
KNOW YOURSELF: The Power of Self-Awareness and Confidence
Confidence is essential for success in golf. Try these tips on how to build confidence in your own game, including practicing regularly, focusing on your strengths, and avoiding self-doubt.
Infinity Studio |
3-Steps To Owning Your Game
Professional golfer, Juli Inkster believes that hard work, being true to yourself, and having a passion for what you do are the keys to success in golf and life.
Par5 Ninja, llc |
Ego Is The WORST Hazard On The Golf Course
Crampton reminds us that golf is a complex game that requires a combination of skill, experience, and mental toughness. If we can find a way to balance these factors, we...
Par5 Ninja, llc |
Think about NASCAR where the smallest tweak can make one race car faster than another. This is the key to playing golf at your full potential.
Par5 Ninja, llc |
There’s more to be learned from losing than from winning. Remember that golf is a game of misses.
Par5 Ninja, llc |
Imagination Is The Key To Unlock Better Putting
A golfer can only see the target during setup. During the actual stroke, their eyes stay down and locked on the golf ball. That is why the accuracy of a...
Par5 Ninja, llc |
Monday Motivation
However, it is important to note that not all practice is created equal. You must draw the line between practice and serious mode to improve your golf game. If you...
Par5 Ninja, llc |